How to benefit inside and out with plain yogurt.

Calling all yogurt connoisseurs to become healthier!

Cook for Today
2 min read6 days ago
Photo by author.

Start with these ideas to improve your yogurt choices and add-ins.

Grocery store purchase.

  • Choose plain whole or nonfat yogurt (no added sugar, artificial flavorings, or fruit). No hidden additives to interfere with a gluten-free diet.
  • Shake the container gently to judge a firmness and slight liquid motion. Too much fluid movement and swishing sound can indicate a spoiled product.
  • Yogurt containers will be stored in an enclosed refrigerated compartment and feel cool.

Read labels for details about.

  • Live and active cultures for healthy digestion.
  • Check the expiration date.

Color and texture of plain yogurt and whey.

Plain yogurt is almost pure white with a thin watery layer of off-white whey on top.


The thin clear liquid covering the top of yogurt comes naturally with vitamins and minerals. Mix it in instead of draining it off. Whey provides additional protein and good nutritional value.

Frozen yogurt does not count for optimal nutritional…



Cook for Today

Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist with a culinary arts degree. Food and nutrition freelance writer "back to the basics!”