Making Every Step at Work Add Up!

Whether you are prediabetic or have a history of type 2 diabetes a regular exercise regimen is beneficial. But getting started can be difficult, so in the meantime, a few steps here and there starting with the work office can add up!

Cook for Today
2 min readJan 28, 2022
Photo by Cook for Today

First, sitting for an extra-long time in front of a computer can create a real effort to get up from the chair.

In the past, so I wouldn’t have to move for at least 3 hours, I would fit everything in one trip around the office. I would load up on water, snacks, bathroom visit, and stop by the printer.

Spacing out my office chores forces me to move every 30 to 60 minutes to help control blood sugar levels, keep muscles limber, and clears the mind.

Whether you travel to a work office or work from home, these few tips will help.

  • Leave the personal and professional phone in an area that you must get up to answer.
  • Lunch on the go. Walk into the restaurant instead of using the drive-thru at lunchtime.
  • Coffee break. Walk into the coffee shop instead of using the drive-thru.
  • Place the printer and photocopier away from the computer.
  • Keep snack and beverage area away from computer area.
  • To refresh your mind, walk over to a window to stare out.
  • After eating a meal: wash, dry, and put away instead of letting dishes collect until the end of the day.

Final words:

Consider wearing a pedometer or a fitness tracker that can provide motivation. Remember 2000 steps adds up to a mile-it is that easy!

Disclaimer: My food and nutrition articles are for informational purposes only. Always follow your healthcare provider’s guidance and orders.

Thank you for reading. :-)



Cook for Today
Cook for Today

Written by Cook for Today

Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist with a culinary arts degree. Food and nutrition freelance writer "back to the basics!”

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